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Florence Simpson Biography - If Dreams Came True Book
If Dreams Came True Book

Florence Simpson Biography

Florence Simpson was born in Hamilton, Ontario, August 5th 1928. She did the usual growing up things, school and such, married and had one son. He presented her with five grandchildren, and she now has nine great grandchildren.  Her son also persuaded her, in 1985, to try for university through the mature student program at the University of Toronto. Much to her surprise, she was accepted as a part time student.  She wasn’t able to complete her degree in Celtic Studies due to health issues, but she had a great time while studying, and spending time helping with two student groups. She wrote a Celtic Cook book at that time, with stories to go with the recipes, and it went over well. Since then, she has joined Second Life and joined a couple of writing groups there, writing a story a week since July of 2010 with one group. It was a great surprise when she discovered a talent for writing, so when Andrew suggested that they work together, she agreed happily.

Visit her blog: Flo’s Writings


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